BMI CALCULATOR PLUS: Allow to calculate your :
- Body Mass Index
- Waist-to-Height Ratio
- Body Fat Percentage and Calorie Consumption (BMR + PAL) to find your ideal weight
★ BMI Calculation for everyone
★ Metric and imperial systems are supported
★ Optional saving of last entered values
★ BMI - Body Mass Index: is defined as the body weight divided by the square of the height. It provides a rough guide since the BMI doesn't take into account a persons build or the composition of the body weight.
★ WHtR - Waist-to-Height Ratio: is defined as the waist circumference divided by the height. It measures abdominal obesity and therefore can be used as an better indicator of health risks than BMI (Body Mass Index).
★ Body Fat Percentage: is defined as the weight of fat divided by the total weight. It is estimated with the 'US Navy Circumference Method' which uses the height and circumferences of waist, neck and hip.
★ Energie Expenditure / Calorie Consumption: is mainly a sum of internal heat produced (Basal Metabolic Rate estimated by Mifflin St Jeor Equation) and external work (Physical Activity Level).
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">BMI计算器PLUS:允许计算你:
- 身体质量指数
- 腰围身高比
- 身体脂肪百分比和热量消耗(BMR + PAL)找到你的理想体重
★BMI - 身体质量指数:被定义为体重的身高的平方除以。它提供了一个粗略的指导,因为体重没有考虑到人建立或体重的组合物。
★WHTR - 腰围身高比:定义为腰围除以身高。它测量腹部肥胖,因此可以用作比BMI(身体质量指数)的健康风险的更好的指标。
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